As I work with Christian women, what I consistently see is they struggle to accept themselves and feel worthy of the calling that is truly theirs.
What most women don’t know is that their self-denial is rooted in institutional power structures. And these structures are demanding compliance dressed up as “Christian unity,” which in fact diminishes confidence, leadership, and identity in Christian women. And these power structures are everywhere—in our families, in our churches, our communities, our places of work.
Once you realize the inordinate influence that these systems have in your life, you put yourself in a position to reclaim the power, energy, and stature that belong to you and only you. The results are astounding: you will embrace your strength and calling to step boldly onto the path that is uniquely yours, and create inclusive spaces marked by love and belonging.
It’s not about the expectations or prescriptions of others. It’s about WHO YOU ARE, who God created you to be. In order to create lasting change, you need to seek the truth, know who God is, and resist the comparison/competition traps.
Yes, this is a message of encouragement, but no – I’m not giving you courage; I’m helping you find and step into the courage that’s already within you.
Yes, this is a message of empowerment, but no – I’m not giving you power; I’m helping you reclaim and step into the power that is already within you.
Ready to step into your courage and power, and embrace your calling?