Hi friends. It's been too long. The pandemic brought some things to a screeching halt. Other things took a slow-burn approach. My cozy WFH lifestyle of writing and teaching online came to a …
One Day They’ll Leave. And Have Sex
Last spring (when my oldest was in fifth grade) I learned that there is a pre-sixth grade vaccination schedule, and I thought—my kid is not going to be be happy about this. That concern was …
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Motherhood Mondays: Selfishness
I mentioned here that enjoying my children was a difficult concept for me to understand, let alone live into. I was confused and ashamed at first. And you might be judging me. But trust me, lots of …
Motherhood Mondays: One Day They’ll Leave (Part 3: Middle School)
She’s going to middle school. MIDDLE SCHOOL! In just FOUR months, she’ll be a middle schooler and the anxious dreams have already started. That’s actually what signaled to my conscious brain that the …
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Motherhood Mondays: One Day They’ll Leave (Part 2: Kindergarten)
The first day of kindergarten was the first big day of “leaving” for us - much moreso than the first day at this daycare or that one. Kindergarten signals the beginning of the educational journey that …
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Bad Kids and Old Ladies
"That kid is bad. And it's your fault. You're bad too." That's what she said to me, wagging her finger at me and my child. It was a dreary day here in Portland, so after some indoor gym …