Do you struggle with forgiveness? Is there some coldness in your heart, some negativity that rises to the surface whenever a certain person or situation comes to mind? I’ve been struggling with …
A Different Kind of Stormy: Part Two “Who’s In Charge Here Anyway?”
Remember the story about Jesus calming the storm? I left out the thing I didn’t want to admit. It’s the part that’s undeniable but makes me squirm: Jesus, being God, has power over the natural …
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A Different Kind of Stormy
One time, Jesus was out on a boat with his friends and a huge storm moved in. I’m talking The Perfect Storm kind of storm - remember that movie? It gives me anxiety just thinking about those ginormous …
Being Right
I come from a religious tradition that has historically been preoccupied with being right. We’ve focused on the “right” (and therefore, only acceptable) way to “do” church and live your life, setting …
The Bible + Me: It’s Complicated
If you’ve been wondering about my relationship status, it’s complicated. Despite what many streams of Christianity teach, there’s just no such thing as a “pure,” “plain,” or “simple" reading of …
Time To Get Woke
Our familiarity sometimes blinds us to things that are out of the ordinary. “Jesus is Coming Soon” is a favorite song among many in my tradition—Churches of Christ. Its cheery, catchy tune matched …