Did you know there’s a difference between emotions and feelings? I was reading about it recently. I was also reading about the difference between pain and suffering. The distinction between …
Time To Get Woke
Our familiarity sometimes blinds us to things that are out of the ordinary. “Jesus is Coming Soon” is a favorite song among many in my tradition—Churches of Christ. Its cheery, catchy tune matched …
If you could turn back time, would you?
If you could go back in time and change one decision you made, would you do it? In my early 20’s, my answer would have been YES. I made a lot of unhealthy choices in the name of having fun, easing …
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Motherhood Mondays: Selfishness
I mentioned here that enjoying my children was a difficult concept for me to understand, let alone live into. I was confused and ashamed at first. And you might be judging me. But trust me, lots of …