This experience is geared toward people who are in process with their identity, who are struggling with questions of “who am I?” And “what work is mine to do in the world?” “How will I live?” “What are my values?” Most of us grow up with a picture in our minds of who we want to be, but somewhere along the way we lose ourselves.
Together we’ll explore how and why that happens, and how to find ourselves again. This experience revolves around these three truths: (1) your actions matter; (2) you’re never too far gone; and (3) you are worthy and you belong.
Rather than being a dispenser of religious services or spiritual goods, the faith community is called to be the body of Christ–a living organism that is always growing, changing, and adapting to its environment even as it stays true to that for which it was originally created and intended.
This experience includes practicing spiritual disciplines (Imaging Prayer, Dwelling in the Word, Dwelling in the World, Discernment) to open ourselves to encountering God, identifying giftedness, and evaluating our identity as a church (who have we been, who are we now, where do we sense God’s leading).
Are you part of a church that has discerned that women’s opportunities should be expanded, but don’t know where to start? This workshop is for church leaders and/or churches to discern the path forward. Hermeneutics, experience, theology, scriptural exegesis, and/or systems theory will be covered as needed.
We are designed to live connected to our creator and one another. However, this design is not often the way we live day-to-day. Our vision is frequently blurred. This highly interactive retreat experience includes 3-5 sessions focused on remembering God’s purpose and seeing how life might look when we live in the Spirit.