As a woman in Christian ministry, I’m often asked “have you read the Bible??” Which is a funny question to ask a person who has spent her entire life in the church, and gone through SEVEN years of seminary.
People often assume that the question about women in ministry is a “head” issue – and they want to know how I handle/interpret a few “problem” passages of Scripture.
But the thing is, it’s not only or even primarily a “head” issue. All those years of serious textual study with biblical scholars – those addressed the “heady” or theological issues.
But I’m going to let you in on a little secret: that wasn’t enough for me.
And it’s not enough for our churches either. This is a heart issue that transcends gender, age, or any other institutional bias.
We’ve all been complicit in the exclusive beliefs and practices that have been harming and destroying the church.
The church will go on, but it will not be the way it has been. It must evolve. It is evolving.
We are at a crossroads. And we have a choice – we can either change and evolve, or we can die along with the old way.
Are we living into the reality of God’s community where everyone belongs and everyone matters?
In order to create lasting change, you need to seek the truth, know who God is, and resist the comparison/competition traps.
Ready to discover God’s preferred future for your church? Together we’ll engage in spiritual practices to help us listen to God’s Spirit and discern where God is leading us.