In response to last week’s post, a friend posed this question: “My biggest question is how did you keep your faith when answered the way you were. Our daughter was given a similar response when she …
Got Questions?
What questions do you have about the Bible, God, or faith? I grew up with lots of questions about what I was taught at church. No one could explain why the moon was called a “light” in the Bible, …
God is Our Refuge?
I've been dwelling in Psalm 46 lately. Many years ago, I preached a sermon on this text. As it turns out, the text has even more to teach me today. As it grew and took shape, the sermon presented …
God Doesn’t Play Favorites
Today we are in Acts chapter 10, in the city of Caesarea. But to fully appreciate it, we have to go back and visit Joppa a little. Here’s our text, from Acts 10 verses 1 - 48. In Caesarea there …
Who Is This Story About?
[Transcript of S4E1: "Who Is This Story About?" on PreacHer Podcast] Welcome to Season 4, Episode 1 of PreacHer. I’m your host, Jen, and today I’m sharing a message from Acts 8, verses 26 through …
Who’s In Charge Here?
[Transcript of S3E5: "Who Is In Charge Here?" on PreacHer Podcast] Okay, here’s where we are headed today. After a quick recap of last week, we’re going to look at some background stuff and think …