In response to last week’s post, a friend posed this question: “My biggest question is how did you keep your faith when answered the way you were. Our daughter was given a similar response when she …
Lay It Down
How do we fix the massive problems in our world? Spoiler alert: wars, wealth, and power are not the solution. But there is hope, and it’s simpler than we might think. Today we’re focusing on the …
We’re NOT Making America Great Again
The prophecy of Isaiah 61 is being fulfilled right now. We are in the midst of an apocalypse - a great unveiling of the way things really are. And we who once were blind can no longer live as if we do …
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God is Our Refuge?
I've been dwelling in Psalm 46 lately. Many years ago, I preached a sermon on this text. As it turns out, the text has even more to teach me today. As it grew and took shape, the sermon presented …
S4E7: Car Wrecks and Interruptions
A transcript of S4E7 on the PreacHer Podcast. Acts 16.11-15 (NRSV) We set sail from Troas and took a straight course to Samothrace, the following day to Neapolis, and from there to Philippi, …
For Such a Time as This
[Transcript of S3E9: For Such a Time as This, PreacHer Podcast] Friends, we are living in a truly remarkable time. Never before has the future been so uncertain. I believe there’s not a single …