As a teenager, I remember wishing the Bible had given us all of the “rules” for living. I know some people and churches teach that it does, but I mean specifically.
Like, what did God think about dating, dying your hair, wearing certain clothes, or listening to secular music? How would God answer every teenager’s question of how far is too far? What about other issues that seem to have conflicting teachings in the Bible?
Of course as an adult I understand and appreciate how the overarching principles and values are meant to guide us. The overall message of the Bible and true nature of God as LOVE are intended to stand the test of time in shaping how we approach decisions in any context.
But as a teenager, all that discernment was more than I was equipped to handle. So instead, I wanted an exhaustive and specific list of everything that was off-limits. Let’s be honest: I wanted to dabble and experiment and have fun without risking my salvation (because that’s what I mistakenly thought was at stake).
The desire for specificity in rules and laws is as old as humanity. Where the Bible lacked such minute detail, our Jewish ancestors erected walls (rules) around the law, and then more walls (rules) around those walls to avoid transgression. Their efforts were well-intentioned, but resulted in legalism.
As Christianity was born, that legalism was rejected by Jesus who said we’re not intended to be slaves to the rules. Instead, the rules are meant to serve us – helping us to establish a healthy society, build strong families, and flourish as a community.
In what ways are we clinging to legalism? What are some examples of the freedom we have in Jesus?