About that second domain name that I mentioned…
I love writing about faith and theology and church. And there are still a few books in me. But there are other things I’m passionate about as well.
Until recently, I was convinced that I needed to “stay in my field” – the one in which I spent seven years of graduate education and formation, and 11+ years of work.
But something shifted as I worked in local government.
I lived into the truth that ministry and missional engagement are more about who you are and how you choose to live in the world and less about where your paycheck comes from.
I gave myself permission to *not* stay in ministry proper if I couldn’t find the right fit. Sifting through hundreds of job postings over more than a year, I considered all manner of career trajectories and industries.
And I gave myself permission to dream about what it might look like to pursue some of my other interests in a career-y sort of way. Permission to *create* a career I want to pursue, and a life I love.
Ideas that have been simmering for months and years came together in a moment of clarity on New Year’s Eve as I was reflecting on the past year, reading, and dreaming about the kind of life I want to live in 2019.
So here’s the new project: I’m launching a new brand focusing on different aspects of growth, such as personal development, organization/decluttering, cooking/eating, fitness, family/parenting, creativity/recreation, and simplicity.
I’m grateful for meaningful work, deeply formational education, and challenges to learn and grow from. I believe I’ve contributed well in my career, but I’ve also spent enough time playing small and letting fear lead. I’ve been ignoring my gut and suggestions from those closest to me for too long.
2019 is the year I dare greatly, brave the wilderness, and do it scared (yes, I’ve been devouring loads of books and podcasts).
2019 is the year I step out in faith to pursue dreams that feel equally exhilarating and terrifying.
2019 is the year, because life is short. 2019 is a big year for me because–confession time–in August I’ll turn the big 4-0. My reframe: I’ll be fit, fierce, fabulous, and forty! And I hear that when you’re forty you stop caring so much what other people think. So I’m leaning into that starting now.
Let’s make 2019 our best year ever! Who’s with me?!
Life at 40, 50, and 60+ and beyond is rich!
Hooray for aging!
Life is as life does (apologies to Forrest). Go, Jen go!!
Haha thanks!!
Aren’t you already Fit, Fierce and Fabulous? I think so! ?
Haha thanks Rory!! *always* room for improvement ?