This is a photo of the women who were present at the Women in Ministry Conference at Pepperdine in May, 2009. I am certain of the timing, because that’s me on the far left, holding my almost two-year old daughter awkwardly over my 7-months-pregnant-belly.
These women and this network are a big part of why I stay. This is a group of women from all over the country who are serving in a wide variety of ministry roles–some in churches, some in parachurch organizations, some preparing for ministry and some waiting for a door to open. We are professors, pastors, chaplains, counselors, children’s ministers, theology students, campus ministers, missionaries, and youth ministers. Women called and gifted by God to serve. Women who step forward in courage, embracing the call and trusting God.
There are others who are not in this photo. Katie Hays is someone I’ve heard about for over a decade. She was a role model to me long before I met her. She is a pioneer–she served as a youth minister and then a co-preacher in Churches of Christ when there were almost no women doing this. After years of ministry in Churches of Christ, she moved on to Disciples of Christ. I don’t judge her for it. I respect that this is the decision some of us will make, and I know that there are a lot of factors that go into it. I want it to be crystal-clear that I don’t begrudge the decision and I don’t want anyone to feel guilty over leaving. I don’t judge her (or others). But I am sad. Sad that one of our most gifted female preachers moved on from our tribe. She’s not the first or the last, just an example.
{And it’s not only women who are leaving. Men are too. See Sean Palmer’s recent post about this.}
Some of us will leave. But if all of us leave, who will be left? How will our daughters hear prayers offered in the gathering of God’s people in a voice that sounds like their own? How will our sons witness the beautiful perspective offered by a mother publicly reflecting on Mary’s experience of carrying, birthing, and raising Jesus? If all of the women who have been gifted and called to lead and serve in Churches of Christ leave, what will happen to our tribe?
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